AVO Cigars
AVO Cigars are the result of a collaboration between acclaimed Jazz musician Avo Uvezian and legendary cigar maker Hendrik Kelner after meeting in Puerto Rico, where Uvezian fell in love with cigars.
The world-renowned musician and the master tobacconist combined their creativity and quest for perfection and created superlative cigars that have gained a loyal following among cigar smokers around the world. The first cigar released by the duo in 1988 was an absolute hit and they sold 100,000 in just the first year. Their dedication to superb blends and exquisite craftsmanship catapulted the super-premium brand to international success and they are among the first choices of cigar lovers everywhere.
- AVO Classic
- AVO Maduro
- AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata
- AVO Syncro Nicaragua
- Avo Syncro Caribe
- Avo Syncro Ritmo
- AVO X.O. Series
Freshest Selection of AVO Cigars Online
AVO Cigars are the result of a collaboration between acclaimed Jazz musician Avo Uvezian and legendary cigar maker Hendrik Kelner after meeting in Puerto Rico, where Uvezian fell in love with cigars.
The world-renowned musician and the master tobacconist combined their creativity and quest for perfection and created superlative cigars that have gained a loyal following among cigar smokers around the world. The first cigar released by the duo in 1988 was an absolute hit and they sold 100,000 in just the first year. Their dedication to superb blends and exquisite craftsmanship catapulted the super-premium brand to international success and they are among the first choices of cigar lovers everywhere.